What Your Favourite Super Mario Bros Game Says About You

By David Pustansky /

The Super Mario games series began many many moons ago when the world was introduced to our red and blue wearing friend in Donkey Kong. Easily the most recognisable character of all of gaming, and one of the most recognisable faces in history (sorry Ghandi, Winston Churchill and Billy Crystal, little old Mazza has you all trumped), Super Mario is a character most of us reading will have grown up with. It€™s very possible, even probable that we got our sense of right and wrong from seeing him relentlessly save the same stupid princess over and over again. Mario is a good man and someone we can all aspire to be more like. With his experience to learn from we could all become better people. Mario is a very talented individual after all. Not only is he a hero to mushrooms and toadstools everywhere, but he is also a capable artist, a deceivingly good sportsman of many disciplines and one hell of a good driver. With all these life lessons to learn from one man surely we can look at what our favourite Mario experience is and find out what it says about us. This is what we€™re going to do, so without further delay here goes...

Super Mario 64

The Game: There's little that can be said about Super Mario 64 that hasn't already been said a thousand times. It revolutionised gaming, it€™s the best game ever, it ate my hamster...ok that last one is probably an example of something that hasn't been said about it before, but the point is all the obvious things that can be said have been said. The story of the game is simple; a massive dinosaur that has legions of minions has kidnapped a princess and her only hope is a short, fat plumber that never says whole sentences. See simple...and this is a story that more people have enjoyed then Hamlet. Fact. What It Says About You: It says you like the best. You don't care if some people will sneer and say you're just picking the popular choice, or that you're unimaginitive, you know quality when you see it and you see it in Super Mario 64. Your movie of choice is The ShawShank Redemption, You drink Coke, not Pepsi, and your toilet paper is Andrex. You know others say these are obvious choices, and there may be lesser known alternatives out there which are just as good, but you know what you like and you're sticking to it! For you the moment you realised that video games were awesome was when Mario jumped into a painting and you saw it ripple like water. Never mind the special effects you'd seen on Terminator 2 Judgement Day, or the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, this was the most impressive thing ever seen on a screen. Sound Bite: €œIt€™s a me Mario!€ Favourite Non Mario Games: Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Rocket Robot On Wheels