What Your Favourite Super Mario Bros Game Says About You

Super Mario Galaxy

super-mario-hd-wallpaperThe Game: After Super Mario 64 came Super Mario Sunshine, and although everyone loved it at the time everyone agreed that it wasn't the sequel that people had hoped for. After several years since SM64 came out people were beginning to wonder if the game could be matched, let alone bettered. Then Super Mario Galaxy came out for the Wii, and it was every bit as much fun as the Nintendo 64 title. Some people were excited to see how the motion controls of the Wii would come into play in a Mario game whilst others were very wary that the Mario formula would be reduced to constant waggling of the wrist. Luckily the game stayed very much like the controls of the past and just added a couple of extra moves that could be achieved with a flick of the wrist and a point of the Wii remote. What It Says About You: You got a Wii for this game and this game alone...OK you didn't expect they'd do Mario Galaxy 2 so of course you got that too, but the point is the same. You knew the day would come when Shigsy and crew bettered Mario 64, and for you the day you unwrapped Super Mario Galaxy was that day. You love that finally Mario is exploring things far beyond the Mushroom Kingdom, and there€™s no better place then space! The new possibilities of altered gravity excite you and it brings back memories from your childhood of when you wore that goldfish bowl upside down on your head and dreamed of being a Cosmonaut. It didn't matter that you ended up at accident and emergency for seven hours to get your head removed from the bowl or that you may have forgotten to put the goldfish in the sink before you tipped the bowl upside down, the important thing is you got to play being a 'spaceman'. It's years later and the nearest you got to space travel was when you had that cat scan, so being able to boot up your Wii and glide around the skies as Mario has allowed you to live that dream, and for this we thank you Mario. Soundbite: He conquered Land, he's ruled the world, and now he's taking over the Galaxy. Bring on the Wii U so he can dominate the Universe. Favourite Non Mario Games: Lylat Wars, Sonic Adventure
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Super Mario
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Hello! My name is David Pustansky. As well as writing for this site, I'm also an actor, presenter, writer, director and artist. So basically I love creative things where there's a story to be told. I run my own theatre company, The ImProDigies. Be sure to check our shows out. As I'm sure you'll see from my articles I often look into things with a unique and quirky perspective and have a strange attention to sometimes strange details. Enjoy!