Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - 5 Reasons To Get Excited 

Wolfenstein is back in all its Nazi-killing glory.

By Ryan Geller /

Revealed at Bethesda Softworks' E3 2017 press conference, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus looks to be one of the year's most anticipated shooters, looking bigger and better than ever before and jam-packed with good old fashioned gory violence.


Taking the series from Europe and Africa to the United States (or what remains of it) looks to provide one of the most fascinating settings in gaming. On top of that, an already amazing plot and gameplay system will continue over from Wolfenstein: The New Order, keeping what fans know and love while making it even better.

Wolfenstein also looks set to win the award for greatest stress reliever, with its escapist action awaiting millions of casual gamers and hardcore fans alike. What better way to just relax and take a load off than to come home, boot up your system and take out any stress on thousands of doomed Nazis?

From slaying Nazis all across America to insane LSD trips, Wolfenstein II looks absolutely insane. With a release later this year (October 27th), The New Colossus looks set to go right up against Destiny 2 and Call of Duty: WW2 as 2017's best shooter.

5. A Mix N' Match Duel Wielding System

Elaborating on the New Order's successful system, The New Colossus will bring dual wielding abilities back, but with a twist. In Wolfenstein II, you will be able to dual wield using various combos of different weapons, allowing the player to carry a shotgun in their right hand and a pistol in their left, for example.


Combinations of machine guns and shotguns could allow for both short and long range firepower, while using a pistol and heavy weapon could give you the option of going it stealthy, but having the necessary fireworks to go wild if need be.

On one playthrough, you may find yourself shooting through Nazis, quickly and brutally, using weapons like machine guns. On another, you may sneak through enemy compounds and territory, while keeping your advanced grenade launcher, Dieselkraftwerk, close at hand should things spiral out of control.

This new system allows for more player control and creativity, giving you the ability to mix and match to fit your playstyle. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is bringing more ways to kill Nazis than ever before.
