WWE 2K17: 10 Awesome Match Types It Must Include

Inferno, Stretcher, War Games and more!

By Josh Wilding /

While the majority of gamers agree that WWE 2K16 is a huge improvement over what's come before, there's still a lot next year's instalment needs to do in order to really take this franchise to the next level. This year's addition received a great deal of praise for bringing back certain match types and modes which were mysteriously absent last year, but there are still many which need to return to this series or make their debut for next year's WWE 2K17...

10. Ambulance

Love them or hate them, ambulance matches have become a relatively big part of the PG era of WWE, and they tend to make for a fun way to bring a rivalry to an end. A big problem with WWE 2K16 and pretty much all previous instalments of this video game franchise is how little you can do around the Titantron area. This has become more apparent than ever now that you can attack opponents as they're making their way to the ring, with the entrance ramp, lights, and barricades playing no sort of role in the kind of beating you can deliver around that general area. An ambulance match which requires players to fight an opponent in that vicinity in order to have them ready to throw into (or through, in what would be a very cool "OMG!" moment for some wrestlers in the game) the vehicle guarantees an overhaul of that entire area that would add some much needed realism to what is currently little more than a large bland area of grey concrete. Getting an opponent into the back of an ambulance would likely come down to a button mashing mini game of some sort, and while that wouldn't bring a lot to the table in terms of a new way to play the game, this would be a mode unlike any other. The aforementioned changes being made to the Titantron - how about being able to dive off that or spear someone through it? - are what make this truly essential though.