WWE 2K17: 10 Awesome Match Types It Must Include

9. Backstage Brawl

Backstage brawls used to be one of the most enjoyable parts of the WWE video games. While these may now be rare on WWE programming (especially since the Hardcore title was done away with), there was something which was just incredibly fun about driving a forklift at your opponent, smashing them through a car's windscreen, or slamming their head into a vending machine. Before being dropped altogether, these backstage brawls became lacklustre and lazy parts of the WWE games, with no option to move between different areas and a limited amount of weapons. The fact that you could basically perform five moves on the concrete and win via KO also took the fun out of them, so 2K Games would really have to go back to the drawing board to make them something special again. On current gen systems like the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, this is a mode which should be more interactive and realistic than ever before. Players should be able to go crashing into The Authority's office, smash their opponent over the head with the case containing Kane's mask, and then throw them back out the way they came in while Triple H and Stephanie McMahon look on! Unfortunately, with a notable lack of these matches on Raw and SmackDown these days, this may only make it in if the Showcase mode ends up revolving around the good old days of the Hardcore Division.
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WWE 2K17
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