WWE 2K17 Ultimate Wishlist: 10 Features It Must Include

We can dream...

By Ross Tweddell /

We have now seen everything that WWE 2K16 has to offer. Earlier this week, the Hall of Fame DLC was released which gives WWE's gaming Universe the opportunity to play classics like 'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, Rikishi vs The Rock and... Alundra Blayze vs Paige. Yeah, that last one is a little bit confusing. But on the whole, WWE 2K16 has been well received by fans the world over and has seen the company's marquee game get back somewhere remotely close to its former glories. We wished that a plethora of features that were inexplicably left out of 2K15 would return, and 2K duly delivered. Now, we're all hoping that the progression showed with this year's title continues into next year. If it does, we'll be onto a winner. The powers that be at 2K need to keep all of what they included in this year's game and add to it, rather than taking away key facets to make room for unnecessary flamboyance. This was the main criticism levelled at 2K15, although that wrong was righted with this year's game. Let's see what they can come up with. Us gamers are forever fantasizing about features that seem to be unachievable by developers, so here are 10 things we can only dream about being included in WWE 2K17...