WWE 2K23: 10 Best Looking Characters

2K23 has some of the absolute best character models in WWE video game history.

By Jamie Kennedy /

That summary line is worth repeating.


WWE 2K23 has some of the absolute best character models in wrestling video game history. Remember when everyone fawned over last year's rebuild? Yeah, well 2K's artists have been hard at work to improve on that. They've teamed up with the lightning engine crew to deliver seriously-impressive visuals for most of the roster.

No, not every single likeness is bang on. Hair, in particular, remains a real problem for 2K. "Dead eyes" are also a well-known issue in the gaming industry generally, but...2K23 is one very good-looking title regardless. At times, when the lighting hits and cameras pan to a wide shot, it's almost like you're watching Raw or SmackDown on telly.

You might be slightly shocked by some of the picks on this list. Somewhat incredibly, cover star John Cena is totally absent. His character model wouldn't even make the top 15, being honest. It's good, but it's nowhere near as well done as the ones detailed here.

Behold the prettiest wrestlers you can play as in this year's game, then start imagining what CAW-makers will be capable of with this engine!

10. Roman Reigns

He's here, but he barely cracks the top 10.


Roman Reigns was always going to get a lot of love from 2K. The dude is WWE's main man, and might've been a stick on for the cover star spot had John Cena not trickled down from the Hollywood hills to snag that honour despite being a dirty part-timer.

Seriously though, Roman's character is a wonderful representation of the real deal's swaggering majesty. There are times, more so when Reigns' models stops walking to stare out at the crowd, when he looks picture-perfect. Up close, less so, but then that could be said for most video game heroes.

2K nailed Roman's ink work, facial hair and general "Acknowledge Me" facial expressions. In motion during the match, the character looks unbelievable. Maybe that's all most will care about, but the entrance is important too.

Good news: Roman's is flawless, and you'll want to watch it over and over again.
