Xbox One Backwards Compatibility: 10 Xbox Originals We Can't Wait To Play

They're classics for a reason.

By Martin Harp /


At E3 2017, Microsoft made one hell of an announcement in that original Xbox games would be available via backwards compatibility on the Xbox One and Xbox One X. In doing so, Microsoft has united the entire Xbox family of consoles and games on one single console - quite the impressive step, considering both the PS4 and Nintendo Switch offer paid emulations or nothing at all, respectively.


Looking ahead, it's unknown exactly when the original Xbox games will hit the Xbox One, but it has been confirmed to be happening in 2017. It's also unknown just how big the library of original games will be, with only two games actually being announced for the program at the moment.

Keep in mind, however, Phil Spencer of Microsoft has also confirmed that the original games library will ultimately be smaller than the Xbox 360 library that is currently available. That is no surprise considering there are just under 400 Xbox 360 games available in the backwards compatibility program right now.


As the year goes on, and the time when original Xbox games being playable on the Xbox One family draws closer, we can only sit and wonder what treasure we will soon be able to play again.