10 Most Unfortunate Victims In Horror Movies

Nobody got it worse than these poor souls.

By James Egan /

There are certain archetypes that come with the territory in horror. Slashers always have their serial killers and final girls. Creature features are filled with aliens and mutated monsters. Demons and ghosts are part and parcel when it comes to a supernatural flick.


But since films in this genre usually have a lot of creative violence and excessive gore, the most common type of character tends to be a victim. Whether it's a body horror, zomcom, or a found-footage feature, it's a safe bet that a few of the ensemble aren't going to make it out alive. Even if they survive, some characters suffer a fate so unbearable, death would seem like a mercy.

Now, it's worth mentioning that "victim" doesn't necessarily translate into "good person". In fact, some of the people on this list are the scum of the earth. But after seeing these poor souls being tortured, mutilated, and dismembered, it's impossible not to feel bad for this sorry lot.

Though horror films have their fair share of casualties, it's difficult to think of anyone who endured as much as these unfortunate victims.

10. Linda - Thinner

Directed by Tom Holland, this Stephen King adaptation centres around arrogant lawyer Billy Halleck, who finds he's shedding an unnatural amount of weight after being cursed by a gypsy called Tadzu.


Knowing he'll inevitably shrivel to nothing, Billy tracks down Tadzu, pleading for him to reverse the spell. Instead, Tadzu places the curse in a pie (as you do), and tells Billy to consume it to "die clean".

But after Billy discovers his wife, Heidi, is cheating on him, he offers her the pie instead. Billy wakes up the next morning to see he's returned to a healthy size, while Heidi has been left so emaciated, it's literally ripped her body open.

At first, Billy is delighted to have his life back. But when his teenage daughter Linda tells him she had a slice of pie for breakfast, Billy realises she's condemned herself to the same fate as his wife. Just to add insult to injury, Linda cheekily takes another slither of pie, oblivious to what's about to happen to her.

Though Linda's demise is never shown, viewers are fully aware the innocent teen is destined to wither away, until she's reduced to a lifeless husk.
