10 Most Unfortunate Victims In Horror Movies

9. Philip - Possum

Silent Hill
Dark Sky Films

Matthew Holness' feature-length debut follows a shunned puppeteer called Philip, who finds himself haunted by his marionette, Possum.

Based on how Philip is ostracised and mocked by society, it's heavily implied he had a fall from grace after being publicly exposed as a child predator. And when a boy that Philip knew mysteriously disappears, all signs point to him being responsible.

But nothing could be further from the truth. In the climax, it's revealed all of Philip's trauma stems from his Uncle Maurice, who molested him for decades.

What makes Philip's life so tragic is the fact he was falsely branded as a pedophile, while he himself was a victim of abuse for decades. Left mentally broken, Philip had no one to turn to, nor did he have the strength to defend himself when he was accused of despicable acts that he himself experienced.

Although he manages to kill Maurice in the final scene, it's hard to say if Philip is truly free from his pain. Philip behaves so psychologically destroyed, it's doesn't look like he'll ever truly get over the trauma he was forced to endure.

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