10 Best Metallica Songs

Which of Metallica's masterpieces will make it to the top of the list?

By Jacob Wilkins /

Metallica are the most famous heavy metal act in music history. Their extensive discography spans four decades and their live performances have been witnessed by millions across the globe.


Throughout their lengthy career the band have produced an outstanding roster of songs ranging from thrash metal anthems to melodic power ballads, and it’s this range that has helped the band gain such a large fanbase.

Whilst The Black Album had plenty of experimentation, their earlier records certainly weren't without variety. In particular, the release of Ride the Lightning in 1984 demonstrated that the band had much more to offer than many other thrash metal acts at the time.

As such, Metallica have produced an impressive and diverse collection of songs throughout the years, the best of which are now considered some of the greatest heavy metal songs ever written…

10. Fuel - Reload (1997)

Though the band's first five albums are frequently cited as their best, there are still a number of killer tracks on both Load and Reload.


‘Fuel’ – the opening track on the latter – is one of Metallica’s catchiest numbers. After the opening vocal line, the song then erupts into a simple yet irresistibly aggressive rhythm full of adrenaline and a wicked guitar tone.

The chorus then subverts expectation by toning down the volume and giving the listener a bit of breathing space that’s no less exciting due to how catchy it is.

The highlight of the track, however, would have to be the closing section. Whilst the solo isn’t one of Hammett’s best, the blend of Hetfield’s vocals and the melodic guitar makes for a beautiful ending.

Load and Reload may not be the best albums of Metallica's career, but songs such as ‘Fuel’ remind us how wrong it would be to pass over them.
