10 Biggest Feuds In Rock Music History

What happens when the music stops.

By Joshua Cooley /

Feuds between musicians are as much apart of rock music as guitars and cocaine.


With all the fragile egos swirling around in a haze of booze, adultery and media tabloids, it is inevitable that the big names in music are going to end up rubbing against each other in a less than cordial manor.

Sometimes these feuds are merely the result of a rabble-rousing journalist taking something out of context, printing it and letting the chaos unfold. Other times, rock musicians find themselves fighting over rights to music and fending off accusations of plagiarism, but more often than not, musical spats occur due to the easily offended egos that so many rock stars attempt to conceal behind a pair of dark tinted sunglasses.

For the most part we wouldn't have it any other way, there's something tantalising about the biggest and best names in rock exchanging verbal fisticuffs, in a way reminiscent of a couple of toddlers arguing over who stole the others toy.

However, sometimes these arguments lead to the dissolution of the biggest acts of the genre, leaving fans despairing at the sheer level of immaturity that these apparent adults possess.

10. James Hetfield Vs Lars Ulrich

Metallica have never been strangers to inner band strife. Back in 1983, they famously fired Dave Mustaine for his hectic and rowdy antics that made him difficult to make music with.


The 2004 documentary Metallica: Some Kind of Monster, gave fans the opportunity to see Mustaine and Urlich try to resolve their issues, but it also shone a light on the ongoing struggle for control between James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich.

The band had recently lost their long time bass player Jason Newsted, but not ready to trade in their devil horns, the remaining members attempted to dive back into the studio to record their eighth studio album. But, the combination of conflicting work schedules, James Hetfield's admission into rehab and Lars Ulrich's over righteous ego, left the band on the edge of breaking up.

The documentary gave an insight into how the dynamic of the band played out at the time. Hetfield and Ulrich bickered and moaned like two bitter parents who have long since stopped loving one another, leaving the childlike Kirk Hammett stuck in the middle, unsure of what was going on.

Despite the bands struggles, they managed to put aside their differences with the help of a band therapist. With many of these interactions included in the documentary, the film ended up feeling more like a Spinal Tap reboot rather than a tale about one of the biggest bands in metal.
