10 Most Cheesy Songs From The 1970s

By Clare Simpson /

Clair If the 1980s were a great decade for cheesy music, the 1970s far outstrip it. There is just so much cheesy 70s music around, it is truly an embarrassment of riches. Music in the 70s tended to be either brilliant or dreadful with no in between so there are tons of cheesy songs out there. For this article I have picked some particularly piquant pieces of cheese - the type that has you roaring and laughing. I wanted to include Richard Harris' bombastic interpretation of McArthur's Park, but I believe it is a late 1960s song. McArthur's Park is the level of cheesiness we are talking about here. I have provided video links for you to sample these goods, if you have not already done so. But a warning - because it is the 1970s, please expect to see beige flares and humungous lapels in abundance.

10. Lovin You - Minnie Ripperton (1975)

Lovin You is easy cos you're beautiful! Makin love with you is all I wanna do Notable for having no percussion and lots of lovely bird song in the background, Lovin You by Minnie Ripperton is pure 70s cheese-o-rama. It is quite an endearing little ditty that Ripperton composed to quieten her baby. Although the very high notes that Ripperton attains in the song would hardly have been conducive to making a baby sleep. The high notes flourish is the best bit about the song. It is entertaining to try and match Minnie note for note but isn't possible. You just end up screeching like a tomcat being strangled with a piece of knicker elastic. But still it is a fun song and it has surprisingly aged well compared to many of the stinkers in this list