10 Classic Songs That Weren't Supposed To Be Hits

Best-selling songs that happening by accident.

By Tim Coffman /

The entire music industry tends to have somewhat of a set formula when it comes to making singles. When you have the album in front of you, you normally go with the safest choice for the single in order to reach the largest demographic that you possibly can. On the other hand, sometimes songs can take on a life of their own whether you like it or not.


Over the years, there have been plenty of deep cuts and album tracks that managed to find their way into heavy rotation despite never being released as a single. This ends up surprising even the band themselves on most occasions, given that they didn't intend their material to blow up like it did.

As it stands though, these songs had that extra spice that made them relatable to a common audience, either because of some killer melody of some other extracurricular that brought it over the edge into classic territory.

The best cases though are the B-sides, which were meant to be lesser songs only to be flipped over at the 11th hour and blowing its accompanying A-side out of the water. Regardless of how they found their way to our ears, these haven't overstayed their welcome as something special in these groups' discography.

10. Light My Fire - The Doors

Most of the Doors' early output didn't really fit in with the rest of the rock crowd in the '60s. Compared to both the folk rock movement and the psychedelic revolution happening around the same time, the sound of the jazz, rock, and blues freakouts coming from Jim Morrison and co. were almost the antithesis of the mainstream. At the same time, one of the least likely lead singles ended up being the more experimental cut.


Starting out, Light My Fire was originally an afterthought for the record, with Robbie Krieger throwing together a tune when they didn't have enough songs for the final mix. While the original version of Light My Fire was a folk song, the eventual single version evolved into a colossal run of 7 minutes, with both a guitar and organ solo to match each other.

As the Doors started to play clubs around the area, some local DJs starting getting requests for the song, with all of the solos accounted for. After some initial pushback to put the song out, Fire turned into one of the most famous songs in the Doors' canon, becoming a staple of their live set and what ultimately got them banned from the Ed Sullivan Show when they performed it live.

For as weird as the record might sound nowadays, the fact that this song even saw chart success is a testament to how weird the '60s psychedelic scene was as a whole.
