10 Hard Rock Bands Who Never Made A Bad Album

Never-Ending Riff Well.

By Tim Coffman /

When putting together a hard rock band, you are almost predestined to play balls-to-the-wall licks for the rest of eternity. While you might have a ballad here and an experimental track there, fans normally are coming for a bunch of heavy riffs and some of the most feral screams in music this side of metal.


Any band in this genre could be called generic, but these bands have taken the hard rock tag to every corner of the spectrum. As the hard rock scene blossomed past the blues scene of the British Invasion, some acts have come together to make some of the greatest albums in the entire rock canon. It's nearly impossible to make one fantastic rock album, but to have almost every one of them be fair levels of decent speaks to quality of musicians you are working with.

Rather than come into the business for the fame, money, or adulation, these acts were always interested to see what they could do with just a few guitar chords and mountains of attitude. Some may have burnt out and some will eventually fade away, but the fact that these bands were able to keep that fire burning during their entire tenure is an absolute miracle.

10. Motorhead

From the minute he set foot on the scene, Lemmy Kilmister was destined to be a rock and roller. After lugging around gear for Jimi Hendrix and making psychedelic music with Hawkwind in the '60s, the mutten-chopped singer had an even brighter vision for his hard rock destiny. Bringing together Fast Eddie Clarke and Phil Taylor, Lemmy turned his amp up to 11 and ruled the hard rock scene with an iron fist.


Whenever you throw on a Motorhead album, the music always feels like a locomotive coming to ram you into the ground. With Lemmy's booze-soaked vocal delivery and rumbling bass guitar, each one of Motorhead's releases have had an incredible consistency.

Though the contender for greatest Motorhead album is typically Ace of Spades, other albums like Bomber and even later releases like Orgasmatron are examples of how these guys can tear any song to shreds like it's second nature.

Motorhead's music was always looked at as a progenitor of heavy metal, but Lemmy always maintained that their music was rock at its core, as he proceeded to idolize his heroes like Eddie Cochran and Little Richard. There maybe a bit of an edgy presentation, but Lemmy's journey into musical badassery has made for one of rock's most consistent back catalogs.
