10 Under-Rated Thrash Metal Greats

By Mohammad Riaz Mahmud /

Thrash metal-mean, aggressive, to the point, has odd solos. And of course, brings about extreme moshing in concerts! Well, to talk about thrash metal, everybody would bring out the big guns-Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Exodus, Anthrax, Testament. And it wouldn't surprise anyone if a list of the very best Thrash Metal songs covers all the greats from these bands and some others. So, I'm not here to bore you with the usual suspects like "The Four horsemen" or "Holy Wars" or "Hell Awaits". You are probably tired of going over and over about how these songs would be in any Metal top list or how you're gonna play them till death! I'm here to give you a list that will solely cover songs that people never really think of or never comes up in a discussion about Thrash metal. Now, in the list, will there be songs from the aforementioned great bands? I mean there are songs from Metallica's insanely brilliant album "Kill 'Em All" that people fails to mention because they never gets into the greatest hits or in a concert track list; so there's a chance! Or will the songs be only from bands which are usually under the radar? Well let's find out.

10. Realm - This House Is Burning (Album-Endless War)

A uncharacteristically progressive sounding song from a Progressive Thrash metal band. Unbearably brutal at times, very short lived but has real golden moments throughout the song. Favorite song from the band will probably have to be Second Coming from the same album which is more progressive but this one really is one is raw Thrash at it's best.

9. Witchery - The Hangman (Restless & Dead)

It€™s probably more that the band is under-rated not the song. Witchery fans of course would have heard this song no doubt. The band has got a little Kreator-esque feeling to them with Kerry King like solos while their their songs walk the thin line between thrash and death metal more often than not. And, the song structures are pretty simple too. Then again, I would pick the band for their mean rawness. And, about, this song, I gotta say I don't always like the modern Thrash style bringing in some groove and what not, but this one somehow does exactly that and still works fine for me.