10 Under-Rated Thrash Metal Greats

8. Grip Inc. - Ostracized (Power Of Inner Strength)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnJqjZtXv5U Dave Lombardo left Slayer and formed this band. Not a bad choice I must say. A killer first album and three good enough albums later Lombardo rejoined Slayer but the legacy lives on. This song in particular is one of my favorites because of not just the awesome and really unique riff but also pin-point perfection in every note.

7. Exodus €“ Overdose (Fabulous Disaster)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0k8PmcUfb8 Only cover song to make this list. The first album from Exodus was another of those albums which defined the genre but Fabulous Disaster remains my favorite album from Gary Holt and co. The Toxic Waltz, Cajun Hell, Verbal Razor remain some of the finest Exodus song while €œLike Father, Like Son€ is my favorite Exodus song of all time. Then again, we€™re not picking favorites; we€™re picking under-rateds which brings me to this. Such an effective and awesome riff and to top it off, it has got some beasty solos. Quite a cover and did the original proud I must say; might not make into and Exodus top 10 or 20 even but worth a listen. Remains one of the best cover songs in Metal history along with €œThe Green Manalishi€.
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