5 Bands To Check Out If You Love Tool

The bands that somehow come close to matching Tool's ominous sound.

By Aaron Chandler /

Throughout the history of music, there have been few bands that have possessed the awe, originality and mesmerising presence of Tool. In their 30 years as a band, they have become one of the most recognisable and essential figures in the music world’s counter culture. Groundbreaking records such as ‘Undertow’, ‘Ænima’, ‘Lateralus’ and others have helped turn Tool into the crowd-pulling phenomena they are today, and have remained highly relevant despite a painfully infrequent recording schedule.


Most scene-setting, landscape-altering music acts find themselves inspiring full genres but in Tool’s case, they have remained entirely unique despite their incredible influence over the newer generations of music. No one has managed to fully replicate Tool’s success and even less (if any) have managed to replicate their sound.

With this being said, there are some band’s out there who may quench the thirst of Tool fans when it comes to discovering new, rising acts. After searching high and low and scouring every corner of the planet, we have managed to find a handful of band’s who clearly owe huge influence to the tyrants of alternative music. Here are five rising bands who fit that mould...

5. Final Coil

Hailing from Leicester, Final Coil are one of the newest bands to appear on this list, having released their debut material just three years ago. In their short time as a band, they have already managed to accumulate a solid, localised following thanks to their strong live performances and their small yet enjoyable discography.


Their debut record, ‘Persistence of Memory’, was released in 2017 and received a warm reception from the British underground progressive scene. This album showed the inspiration they took from names such as Katatonia, The Ocean and (of course) Tool in vivid detail.

Since ‘Persistence of Memory’, Final Coil have elaborated on their talent as well as their influences with a second studio album, ‘The World We Left Behind for Others’, and a live EP, ‘Convicted of the Right’.
