7 Bands Where 2014 May Be Their Last Year

They've had one hell of an innings, but sometimes there's more dignity in knowing when to throw in the towel than keep going.

By Matthew Moffitt /

Let's face it: being in a band is hard work. We as listeners don't get to see that; we're not behind the scenes, but it's there. Just take a look at Fleetwood Mac: between divorce, cheating, drugs, and constant touring, it became too much for them - there are only so many cocaine-induced songs you can write. They have reunited since then but those scars took decades to heal, literally. How about Oasis, for example? Liam and Noel are more likely to throw records at one another rather than release them. And the same goes for Van Halen, Guns n' Roses, and The Police - bickering and egos all getting the best of them. What keeps a band going depends on their ability to adapt, progress, and stay committed to making music and one another - staying alive doesn't hurt either (we're looking at you, immortal guitar-titan Angus Young). Unfortunately all bands aren't able to do this, and for a number of reasons the walls are starting to crumble, and if they don't do something fast, they may not make it through 2014.