9 Songs That Are So Much Dirtier Than You Think

One night stands, oral sex, underage girls, and...butt stuff.

By Jacob Trowbridge /

Let's get something straight right off the bat: 80%of music is about sex. That's a stone cold fact. And the other 20% is about drinking booze, doing drugs, going to parties, and unrequited love. So we shouldn't really be surprised that a song we initially labeled as "not sexual" is later confirmed as being exactly that. And yet, there are a handful of pop songs that live in the airwaves for a good ten to fifteen years (sometimes more) before the public recognizes that "Oh, yeah, that was definitely a reference to a penis that I missed the other nine thousand times I listened to this song." How do we keep missing this?? Regardless of the reasons--the vocals are a little distorted, the radio censors key words, we don't care about the lyrics half of the time, etc--these songs didn't exactly announce their messages of sex to the public right away. Which is too bad, because we could have bumped the percentage of music about sex up to 81 if we'd only known...