The United States has an abundance of quality restaurant chains, some of which have made a major impact in the United Kingdom. We already have some of the biggest chains already over here, such as McDonalds, Subway and Burger King, but there are numerous restaurants in the US that could make an impression if they crossed the Atlantic. London in particular is currently undergoing a siege of American influxes and some are proving more popular than others. Around Covent Garden you currently have the war between the UK's first Shake Shack and the first Five Guys both well-known American burger chains. But these recent American invasions aren't limited to just burgers in the sweeter side of the market you have Cinnabon at Piccadilly Circus, Cambridge, Lakeside and Leicester, and most recently Dunkin' Donuts have opened in Harrow in North West London and in Chelmsford in Essex in their second attempt to take on the British market. Several of the restaurants on this list are already well known in the UK from appearances on television and in films. Some of these restaurants provide a similar service to chains that already exist in the UK but do it a great deal better. After all, any American chain entering the British market has to compete with staples such as Beefeater/Harvester, the wide range of Italian themed chains and of course the microwave-using Burger King. An American incursion in these types of markets would not only result in additional choices becoming available for a British consumer, but would make the existing chains work a great deal harder for our custom! Some of these list do have gimmicks that will set them apart, such as a very cool way to serve ice cream. Others on here give a taste of authentic Americana which British restaurants always seem to be terrible at faking. So get your taste buds ready for a list of ten restaurants that we think could make a big wave if they came (and in some cases returned) to the British Isles.