10 Best April Fools Pranks From Around The Web

Put your tin foil hats on and get ready for a ton of lies.

By Matt Charles /

It's April 1 and because you're here, reading this, it must mean you're an internet user. If so, you'll also know that today is a tricky day to be browsing because it's the one day a year that everyone is out to trick one another. You might be scarred from the experience; not knowing who or what to believe, but at the end of the day, everyone loves a good April Fools' - whether it's an anonymous guy on the internet or some of the world's largest, most respected media organisations. It's also a time for companies and PR agencies to kick back and flex their creative muscles to try and outdo each other in particularly cringe-inducing ways. This year saw its fair share of daft pranks and jokes, but it's also seen a number of legitimately cool or interesting things that you might just wish were real. Here are some of the best ones that emerged online today - some are awesome little Easter eggs that you can play around with while others are just totally ridiculous pranks, worth mentioning for the amount of time and thought that has gone into making gullible people share fake things on their Facebook and Twitter. So, grab your pinch of salt and let's dive in...
