10 Best April Fools Pranks From Around The Web

10. You Can Play Pacman Around The World Using Google Maps

This was perhaps one of the most physically fun of the fools this year, but it's also one of the biggest; Google seems to consistently embrace the fun of April 1 like no other company out there, and their take on Pacman is harmless fun and a cool Easter egg. It works very simply: you can search for any area or address and with a click on the Pacman button in the bottom left-hand corner, your screen turns into an arcade screen and it generates a map from the available roads. Try playing it in and around some of the world's most famous landmarks, such as Times Square, the Taj Mahal or the magic roundabouts in Swindon. Seriously, it's addictive, chasing ghosts in circles like a dog chasing its own tail. A round of applause to you, Google.
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Journalism graduate and now professional wordsmith, writing about games, film and sport.