10 Best Comedy Duos Working Today

Because comedy is a lonely business, and two funny people are always better than one.

By Audrey Fox /

Not to paint the entire comedy community with a single brush, but most people get into it because they're outsiders. Loners. People with a gift for standing on the outside and looking in, making funny observations about everything that they see. That's why it's so surprising when you find a comedy duo that works together and actually maintains a somewhat functional relationship. Sure, a comedian can be funny up there on stage (or on the screen) all by himself, creating his own material and standing in the spotlight solo. But there€™s something special about a pair of funny men and/or ladies who work together creatively to build a set that plays to both of their strengths. Gradually they develop a patter between them that is totally unique to their own stage personalities. Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, Morecambe and Wise, the list goes on and on. For some reason, audiences find comedians funny, but comedy pairs become beloved by their viewers. It's something about the give and take, the banter between the two talented actors that engages people more than just a single comedian talking at an audience. It doesn't always work, but when it does, it really does. There are innumerable solo artists who could have been put together into a list of promising comedy acts, but these are the few truly talented comedy duos working in the industry today.