10 Botched Crimes That Went Hilariously Wrong

Crime doesn't pay - especially if you're this stupid!

By Tom Butler /

Not everyone is a criminal mastermind. To get away with a significant crime these days requires a lot of planning or great deal of luck, thanks to modern policing methods and the prevalence of CCTV. For us honest, hard-working folk, all of this is great news. Of course, if you're a full-time criminal, your life will be getting a lot harder as time goes on. Add in the fact that most people just weren't cut out to be law-breakers in the first place, and there's been some incredibly disastrous criminal failures that ended being embarassing for all involved. For every legendary bank heist in which the perpetrators went scott-free, there are dozens that ended in disaster for the criminals involved. Alternatively, there have been some truly bizarre criminal attempts through history that were never going to succeed (while being far less glamorous than a bank robbery). This list takes a look at some of the most hilarious failures in crime history, in which the act was either doomed from the start, or the criminals succeeded but managed to scupper themselves later. From moronic disguises to inept decision-making, these entries all serve to prove that crime doesn't pay!