10 Crap Valentine's Gifts To Make You Question Your Relationship

Singletons everywhere - just look at your wallet and smile. Think about all the money and self-respect you are saving.

By Amarpal Biring /

Ideally, people shouldn't need a €˜€™special day€™€™ to show their significant other how much they love them. Expressions of love should be spontaneous, unexpected and most of all, because you want to do them. But just like Christmas; Valentine€™s Day is enforced upon the population by multinational companies who see it as the next big pay day after the Christmas period. So with February 14th here again; people who are lucky enough (or unlucky depending how you look at it) will be running around to waste money on a gift that they hope is extravagant enough to justify to their partner that they made right choice by hooking up with them. With flowers, underwear and chocolates considered a cliché gift; the pressure is on to find something unique, romantic and sexy. That gives companies the green light to mass produce cheap tat and sell it at an extortionately marked up price. After all, what says €˜€™I love you€™€™ more than a £4.45 bell with the words €˜€™Ring for Sex€™€™ written on it. So while all those of us who happen to be single and feel like we are missing out, just look at your wallet and smile. Think about all the money and self-respect you are saving. And as you tuck yourself into bed and prepare to hold the sausage hostage, remember as you get ready to fire your one gun salute that the real losers are the couples around the world that fall for marketing gimmick that is Valentine€™s Day. But if you still insist on celebrating, click €˜Next€™ to see 10 gifts you should definitely avoid if you want to stay in you relationship.