10 Crazy World Records You Won't Believe Exist

By J.D. Westfall /

For some reason, most of us find the idea of breaking records to be very fascinating. I personally have devoted a fair amount of time to tracking down some of the most insane stunts ever performed for a film, but even outside the realm of movies I am still intrigued by the idea of people pushing themselves further than anyone else before them. Unfortunately, some of these people lacked the devotion that others had, and simply settled for breaking or establishing records in some of the most mind-boggingly bizarre or stupid ways imaginable. Still, some of these can be really entertaining, and definitely worth a few minutes of our time. I mean, what else are you going to do? Get back to work? (oh come on, we know you're at work right now. Just admit it.) Just as a note, not all of these are "official" world records certified by Guinness. Some of them are, some are merely unique inventions, and sometimes they're just crazy random happenstances. So without further ado....

10. The World's Fastest Toilet

I want to be Colin Furze when I grow up. He is a multi-talented plumber, stuntman, and inventor who holds several official Guinness World Records, for areas such as World's Largest Bonfire and World's Longest Motorbike. However, his crowning achievement is easily the World's Fastest Toilet. It comes with a 140cc engine which can propel the toilet at speeds of up to 55 miles per hour. Additionally, there is a button on the handlebars so the toilet can even be flushed while on the move! How great is that?
The final piece of awesome that comes with this vehicular toilet is a clip (also on the handlebars) so you can read the newspaper while driving or... doing other stuff. But the most amazing part of all this? He didn't originate this record. That's right, someone else once held the title of "World's Fastest Toilet", and Colin Furze beat the record by 13 miles per hour! Try to watch this video without feeling at least a little bit jealous....