10 Famous People The Media Wrongly Declared Dead

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

By Thomas Wesson /

Being told that you have died can cause quite the shock to the system, often prompting - and by often, we mean at least once - the death of the person whom the obituary was about! It is by no means a rare occurrence, the living being told that they had in fact, died quite the imaginary death and the petty tabloids and vacuous news channels scrambling to find anything resembling news - true or not. It is an awful event that is becoming all the more common now due to the rise of the internet and the sheer speed at which information can proliferate across the entire world. Luckily, we are in a position of advantage now that no other generation in the entire history of the world has had, we can simply tweet 'I am still alive' as artist On Kawara recently had his twitter account do daily. Unfortunately, even that can go wrong, as the twitter account was a fake, and stopped tweeting roughly five months before On Kawara's actual death in 2014, leading to a legion of fans being very concerned and dashing to unravel the conceptual artists 'last' true art piece. Still, we can all laugh about it now (with the exception of On Kawara, who has sadly died). Instead, let's laugh at these other times famous people have been told they are dead! And if there is one thing you take away from this article, let it be this, please, please, please do not trust CNN. They'll say anyone has died for just a few seconds of filled airtime.