10 Horrific Punishments From History That Could Be In Game Of Thrones

"the true horrors of human history derive not from orcs and Dark Lords, but from ourselves. We are the monsters." - G.R.R.Martin

By Lauren Butler /

Throughout history, humans have proven themselves to be capable of committing unimaginably horrible acts of violence against each other. From ancient times to today, people have found many creative ways to justify these acts. They have been passed off as necessary punishments, warnings to others or simply methods of extracting important information. In many cases, however, the punishment has far outweighed the crime. You may have been shocked at Walder Frey€™s overreaction at the Red Wedding, but you won€™t believe how many real life Freys were around in the past. You are probably familiar with some of the historical instruments of torture and execution that are now sitting in museums around the world. Everybody has heard heard of Chinese bamboo torture, the medieval rack and the various gruesome procedures used in witch trials, but this list will introduce you to some of the poor people who were subjected to this physical and psychological torment for little or no reason. Here is a list of 10 horrific punishments from the past that sound like they have come straight out of the imagination of George R. R. Martin. Some readers may find the following entries and images distressing and upsetting, so please proceed with caution.