10 Obscure Conspiracy Theories You've Never Heard Of

So, Nic Cage is an alien then, is he?

By Kristy Law /

Conspiracy theories might be ridiculous, they might be terrifying, they might be absolutely hilarious, unrealistic, and stupid, but they do make for an interesting conversation.


The best conspiracy theories are the ones that get you thinking, the ones that very nearly convince you, and the ones that blow your mind. Did Paul McCartney really die? Did the United States really have something to do with 9/11? Was there more to the assassination of JFK? And of course, the big one, did man actually step foot on the moon? That's if the moon is real... maybe it's all an illusion or maybe the moon is made out of cheese. Who knows? The earth is flat after all...

We all have our own opinions when it comes to conspiracy theories. Some people hate them and refuse to listen to them. Others eat them up and do everything possible to find out as much as they can, which usually does more harm than good.

There are conspiracy theories pretty much about everything with new ones invented, or should we say, theorized, every day.

10. Prince Charles Is A Vampire

The British Royal Family is full of conspiracy theories. One minute Prince Phillip had something to do with Princess Diana's death and the next minute they are all lizards in disguise.


One theory you might not know is the one suggesting that Prince Charles is a vampire. The story started when it was revealed that Prince Charles was related to the 15th century Romanian prince, Vlad the Impaler.

Vlad the Impaler was the inspiration behind Bram Stoker's famous 1897 novel, Dracula, which tells the story of a supposed real-life person who enjoys the taste of blood.

But wait, there is more...

In 2017, Prince Charles was reported to have been offered the honorary title of "Prince of Transylvania" (a region located in central Romania and a region that has been associated with vampires for some time). The prince then fuelled the fire even more stating, "The genealogy shows I am descended from Vlad the Impaler, so I do have a bit of a stake in the country."
