10 Old Wives' Tales You Shouldn't Believe

Can you actually get acne from eating too much chocolate?

By M.L. Gabriel /

"Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice", "The more you smoke marijuana, the more brain cells you kill", "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" or "Don't you go out with that wet hair, young lady - you'll catch your death of a cold!". If you've heard one, you've heard them all. Either you heard it from your mom, aunt, grandmother or nosy neighbour who felt the insufferable need to lecture you on something that seemed so silly, because there wasn€™t proof of any of it ever being a real concern, and all you wanted to do is go and play, but this person went on and on and on. It seems silly that it€™s still a €œthing€, doesn€™t it? Who decided that you should eat your carrots because "they're good for your eyes" anyway? To be fair, the last one started out as a German folklore myth and it made a lot of Germans naive to British fighter pilots who credited their "wonderful night vision" to carrots. However, it's not the 1940's anymore and most people aren't that gullible anymore€ are they? Check out the 10 Old Wives' Tales and Myths That Some Of Us Still Believe Today (and how they€™ve scientifically been proven NOT to be true):