10 Problems Only Drunk People Would Understand

By Grahame Herbert /

Hail, the glory of being drunk, that fantastic feeling of invincibility. Alcohol has long been the choice of those fun loving individuals who seek out a brighter and braver world, the promises of the bottle being a confident sense of self and erasure of all worldly woes. Is there any greater feeling than that almost weightless, light-headed and floaty sensation, which makes you an epic dancer and chatty, opinionated philosopher. Yes, alcohol has many social benefits, with beer goggles one of the key factors in many modern relationships beginning and blossoming. But the enjoyment of a good session is fraught with problems, which only the sozzled slurpers of the demon drink would understand. They might not have the mental capacity to deal with them right now, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. So grab a beer or a spirit, and take in the 10 problems that only drunk people would understand....

10. Meeting Someone Famous And Not Remembering A Second Of It

This may have happened to you loads, because lets face it, if it has you probably were so blazing drunk that you just don't remember it. For all you know, you were partying with Prince Harry or downing shots with Rihanna last weekend and just can't recall it because you were so steaming to begin with. You'll just never know. Luckily, when Tom Hanks bumped into this drunken kid, pictured above, Hanks recorded the moment for posterity on his phone and shared it with the world. This of course gave the drunken hero a host of other problems, making him world famous as the hilarious images went viral. While the kid in the photo has never came forward or been named, the photo has been pretty much discredited as a staged shot taken for some hilarity. Nevertheless, it is a problem you may encounter at some point in your drinking adventures, meeting a real life celebrity and being none the wiser.