10 Really Annoying Things About Every New iPhone Release

We've heard it all before, Apple.

By Scott Saunders /

Technology fans, we're now well in to that time of year again. No, not Autumn. It's iPhone season. The buzz around Apple's latest editions of the astronomically priced, 'must have' gizmos of the year shows no signs of slowing down. The releases of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in September mean that the technology juggernaut are making their mark on the smartphone market again... whether it be in a positive or negative sense. 'Bendgate', anyone? While the releases usually equal profit for Tim Cook and co, what does that mean for us, the consumers? It means excitement, right? It's a great time for us techo-nerds to get the latest fix. Or so we're often led to believe. Apple's products have been caught up with and left behind in terms of demand. Nowadays, there's so much more variation when it comes to choosing a smartphone or tablet to use (whilst you're in deep conversation with somebody else, of course). But there's always a circus surrounding a new iPhone release for months and months afterwards - so expect it to continue beyond Christmas. If you have an iPhone, you're relevant. You're rich (literally). You're smart. You're better than everybody else. Or at least that's what Apple want you to think. To their credit, their branding strategy and marketing is still second to none - but that doesn't mean it doesn't get really, really irritating. Certain things tend to happen around the time of every release, so take a look at ten examples - in order of 'very' to 'most' annoying.