10 Really Annoying Things About Every New iPhone Release

10.'The Thinnest Smartphone Ever'

Once you're past those annoying adverts - yeah, those haven't made the list, somehow - Apple like to start shouting about what they've invented. Oh and just how thin they've made the phone look! Because thin is supposedly most attractive, don't you know? But not only are they going to tell you about how impressive their new creation is, they'll flaunt their product and its image until you can tolerate no more. Apple have turned into that wannabe glamour model who has finally been able to scrape enough together to bring her modesty up a few cups. Those ones who are really excited to get themselves out there for all to see. I'd like to draw the comparison to Jasmine Tridevil (that woman who got a surgically applied third breast) but that might be a stretch... It's hard to disagree though, Apple's latest phones are aesthetically pleasing - even if they are looking like Android clones (more on that later). But smartphones have become so thin nowadays that it's not even news any more. Who actually cares if Apple have reduced the size of their old phone by 0.7mm? What a pointless waste of time and energy. If anything, making it thinner automatically means that some of the world's clumsier folk will just find it easier to break. Oh wait, hasn't that just happened?!
In this post: 
iPhone 6
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Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.