10 Of The Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever Filed

When smelly feet get you sued, you know the world is broken.

By Owen O'Neill /

In the United States alone, there are 15 million civil cases filed every single year. Many of these lawsuits are deemed frivolous, or a way for people to try and stumble across a big paycheck. However, that doesn't mean that every lawsuit that seems frivolous, is. In fact some of the most ridiculous lawsuits you will ever read about were deemed legitimate by a judge, and the person who filed the lawsuit walked away with new found cash in their pocket. For example, everyone has heard about the lawsuit a woman filed after she burned herself on a McDonald's coffee. It sounds frivolous, right? However, if you actually read up on the facts of the case, you'd realise the 79-year-old in question suffered third degree burns to her pelvis and thighs, because the coffee was too hot to even consume. She initially only wanted $20,000 to pay her hospital bills, but McDonald's refused that settlement, and numerous other settlements along the way and in the end she was awarded $2,860,000 for her injuries. Now, what abut the lawsuits that have been filed over the years that are actually, without a doubt, undeniably frivolous? Let's find out. Without further ado, try and remain calm, cool, and collected when you read about 10 Of The Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever Filed.