10 Of The Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever Filed

10. Fans Of Creed Sued For $2,000,000 After A Bad Show

Have you ever gone to a concert and been so disappointed by the band's performance that you wanted your money back? In fact, you wanted everyone in the venue to get their money back? That's exactly how four Creed fans felt in 2003, when they filed a $2,000,000 lawsuit against the band after they put on a notoriously poor performance. The concert in question took place on December 29, 2002, at the Allstate Arena in Illinois. According to the people who filed the lawsuit, the bands lead singer, Scott Stapp, was "so intoxicated and/or medicated that he was unable to sing the lyrics of a single Creed song." Furthermore, Stapp alledgedly left the stage on several occasions during songs for long periods of time, "rolled around on the floor of the stage in apparent pain or distress, and appeared to pass out while on stage during the performance." In other words, he didn't bring his A game. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the 15,000 fans in attendance, and was based around the fact that tickets cost $50 each, and that people attending the concert would have had to pay for parking and other fees as well. In his autobiography, Scott Stapp addressed the lawsuit by stating: "After the show a couple of concertgoers claimed they had bad seats and wanted to b e compensated in the form of free autographed merchandise. We gave them everything they asked for. The next thing we knew, they were on TV, talking about their lawsuit. They claimed I'd been so drunk I pass out onstage and didn't complete the show." Although the band publicly apologized for the concert, the court threw out the case, however, the damage from the lawsuit was done. Creed's reputation as a band was forever ruined, and the band eventually broke up in 2004. They have recently gotten back together, and they are almost certainly hoping that everyone forgot that godawful concert.
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Loves writing anything from humor driven articles, to serious short stories. The only thing Owen doesn't like to write are biographies. Those are kind of awkward.