10 Signs To Tell If A Guy Is Into You

Let's hope this frog will be your Prince.

By Sara Weir /

It's always when you stop looking for that special someone that they eventually turn up out of the blue and infect your life with those pesky butterflies. Their arrival into your life can feel like fireworks, you'll be convinced that you can hear angels singing and it's been so long since you've felt this way that you're worried about ruining it. There he is, a god amongst men and he's looking at you. You can feel your knees weaken, you bite your lip in an attempt to look seductive but you're so used to chomping down into your food that you're now bleeding, but at least you have his attention. He is everything you could have dreamed for in a man and whether you've met him at work, he's moved in next door or he's the new manager of your favourite restaurant, you need to have him and you don't even think about what will happen if it doesn't work out. It's been a while since you've been a player of the dating game but it seems like he's been going out of his way to talk to you, asking you for sugar when you've never seen him drink a cup of tea and whenever he does talk to you, he gazes directly into your eyes and you swear that you're going to have a heart attack from him looking right into your soul. So are you certain that he's into you? He could just be being nice and what if he's gay and you've gotten confused about all of the signals? So, unless you're brave enough to directly say "Ireallylikeyoubutdoyoureallylikeme," there are some signs that you can look out for to tell if he really is into you. Let's just hope that you're not going to be Gigi for the next few years but at least you're putting yourself out there.