10 Things Drag Queens Hate To Hear

It's not always pretty being a drag queen...

By Regina Falange /

Can you look at a single sheet of fabric and know exactly how many sequins you could stitch on there? Can you take on three flights of stairs in eight-inch stripper heels? Do you know all the words to Chicago the Musical? Well then you just very well might be - a drag queen superstar. Sh'needza Knapp, Anna Mosity, Rhea Listic, Dixie Normous, Anya Knees, Ann T. Christ and Laytona Rent are all up there not only in the Hall of Best Drag Names ever but also in the Hardest Workers of All Time. You're a trained artisit in almost every performing art; a singer, a dancer, a DJ, a comedy sketch artist - you name it, you can work it. Even on your days off you're at the sewing machine putting together new costume ideas and working on your next mega mix for the karaoke night. You'd have a day off but is there such a thing as having a day off being fabulous? The following list is the most agonising questions that you are asked repeatedly. See when next time you're kicking your height in the cabaret bar if you can bag getting asked them all in the same night. See it as the most annoying game of bingo in the world...

10. 'Can I Try On Your Wig?'

Absolutely not hunny. You asking to wear my wig is like me asking you to strip butt naked in front of everyone; without this power mane on top of my head the show can not go on. There are more pins in this thing to keep it in place then Taylor Swifts voodoo doll of Harry Styles. Now beat it...