10 Things You Need To Know About SpaceX

SpaceX could be the future of space travel, but who exactly are they?

By Stevie Shephard /

Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, SpaceX for short, is a private aerospace technology company based in California. Basically, they build rockets. Good ones. It was founded in 2002 by a guy called Elon Musk (who, by all accounts, is some kind of peculiar savant, but more on that later), with the basic vision of creating simple, commercially viable and reusable spacecraft that could be sent into space multiple times, much like commercial airliners. SpaceX is currently in the process of changing the face of space travel, as the first ever private company to successfully launch into orbit and recover a spacecraft, the first private company to send a craft to the ISS and the first private company to launch a satellite into geosynchronous orbit. Whereas space travel has so far been the domain of governments, SpaceX are paving the way to a more commercial vision of space exploration. So, how exactly are they doing this? Here are the things you need to know about SpaceX.
