10 Things You Need To Know About SpaceX

10. It's A Pretty Cool Place To Work

So, despite the fact that this is literally rocket science, SpaceX is apparently a remarkably relaxed place to work. There are no swish private offices, everyone just has their cubicle, including Elon Musk himself, and there are no parts of the factory floor that are sealed off to any employees. According to Josh Boehm, Former SpaceX employee, you can wander around looking at the rockets during your breaks or even get them live streamed to you at your desk. Until the company reached over 1,000 employees after eight years in business, Musk interviewed every single one of them himself, including the cleaners, and still has an intricate knowledge of every single person who works for him. In order to cut costs and improve efficiency, there's no culture of "middle management" and the chain of command is relatively short. Candidates aren't hired on experience but enthusiasm and raw talent, but there is a strict "No A**holes" policy as Musk has this groundbreaking theory that if you hate your colleagues and your boss then you won't do your best work. This relaxed atmosphere, coupled with hiring on enthusiasm, far from descending into anarchy means that everyone puts an incredible amount of effort and passion into their work voluntarily. When put like this, it's a wonder that we do things any other way.
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