11 Crazy Festivals You Won't Believe Actually Exist

From toilet seat tossing to bog snorkelling, the world is a weird place.

By Phil Archbold /

If you thought that the Running of the Bulls was the weirdest day in the Spanish calendar, you better think again. This ridiculously dangerous race is the highest profile event of the San Fermin festival, and dates back as far as the 14th century when men in the north eastern part of the country would excite and rile their cattle in order to get them to market on time. After a while they got really good at it, and it wasn't long until they decided to turn it into a competition by racing their animals to the finish line. Even with the obvious risk of being gored and or/trampled to death for a laugh, the Bull Run is far from the most bizarre festival on this list. Scandinavia is not short of its oddities, and more organised weirdness happens in Asia than you'd probably care to believe. Even merry old England gets a bit odd from time to time. Despite everything mankind has achieved, from civilisation and democracy to antibiotics and space travel, it's easy to forget that we're a pretty weird race, and here's 11 crazy festivals from around the world that prove it.
