11 Crazy Festivals You Won't Believe Actually Exist

11. El Colacho - Spain

El Colacho is a heavyweight contender for the weirdest day in Spain€™s calendar, and quite possibly weirdest worldwide. Internationally known as The Baby Jumping Festival, this odd gathering in the Spanish town of Castrillo de Murcia sees the locals do exactly that €“ take a running jump over a bunch of babies laying in the street. Yup. On the first Saturday after Corpus Christi the town€™s men dress up like devils and give it their best hop skip and jump, hoping to clear their neighbours babies who are lined up on mattresses below. This apparently religious ritual was first performed in the year 1620, the purpose of which was to bless Castrillo de Murcia€™s newborns and remove their €˜original sin€™ in the hope that they follow the Lord€™s path. Anyone who grows up knowing that their parents chose not to put them at the mercy of a marauding Spaniard to increase their chances of a good life do get a chance to take their fate into their own hands €“ they simply have to wait until the first Sunday after Corpus Christi and jump through fire.
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