12 Life Lessons That Some Adults Have Forgotten

You're not Peter Pan, it's time to grow up.

By Sara Weir /

The process of growing up is a strange one indeed and people go from children to adults and then somehow revert back into a child when life becomes a bit difficult. There are many adults out there who simply don't have an excuse for the way that they behave and it's driving you insane. You don't understand why some people are incapable of growing up so they spend most of their lives being petty and miserable and making everyone else walk on eggshells around them; and they're not even happy when you put a birthday cupcake in front of them. Attending school is a stage in your life that you need to experience in order to learn and grow. Unfortunately for some, they can't see to evolve past this adolescent stage and are stuck being an insufferable teen for the rest of their lives and these people are breeding. For the love of everything in this world, think of their poor children who will probably carry on the tradition of being a child trapped inside an adult's body and it isn't even a Freaky Friday. Sadly for you, violence never solved anything (something that you learned from primary school) so you can't just beat some sense into them whenever they're getting on your nerves...