For people who think that working in retail is bad, imagine what it's like to be purely in customer service. Whether you're ultimately in a call center environment and have to deal with complaints via telephone or email, there's also those of you who have to endure physically working with the public in special customer service areas. These areas are always on the top floor of the building, so by the time the customer has even reached you, they're furious at you for making them walk so far to return a toaster. Like any job, you're going to have your good and your bad days. Similarly, you're going to have good and bad customers and you're determined that the number of awful customers would be lessened with one simple solution: retail conscription. If everyone had to serve a minimum of one year's retail service, you're convinced that the world would be a more harmonious place. Of course, you're always going to get the haters who will tell you stop complaining and get another job; but these people have probably never worked in the service industry before and have no idea what it's like to be sworn at, disrespected and have staplers thrown at you when you're on shift. Everyone needs to have a rant about their job, that's just life. You have emotions and it's more than okay to voice them if you've had a rubbish day at work in your spare time. Even at work, people won't judge you for complaining about work. For the majority of you, customer service isn't a career that you wanted to be in when you were younger and as much as you love people, it's never going to be anyone's dream job.