14 Problems Only People From Middlesbrough Will Understand

Things we just carn't be doin' with, like.

By Alex Porritt /

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2jvu6k_14-problems-only-people-from-middlesbrough-understand_fun Now then, marra! Ow do? Middlesbrough gets a lot of stick. It's been called just about every name under the sun, and was even voted the worst place to live in the UK back in 2009. Sounds pretty harsh doesn't it? You see, the people who throw these terms around simply don't appreciate the Boro for what it is. In short, they 'aven gorra clue, like. It's a place of rich cultural heritage, and a hotbed of industrial tradition. It's got the finest, bluest transporter bridge in the world, and more fast food establishments than you have time to visit. Besides, not only did Middlesbrough give the world the most intrepid of explorers, Captain Cook, but it also gave the world the mighty Parmo. But like any other place on Earth, locals have their fair share of problems. Read on to find out what "gets right on arr wick, like" and is deemed "proper shan as, like". Atell ya woritis, right...
