14 Types Of People You Meet At Durham University

Not every boy wears red chinos, and not every girl has spent a summer helping out in Tanzanah.

By Jack G King /

The University of Durham has a proud history. It's the third-oldest university in England and boasts an alumni community including renowned authors, academic minds, entrepreneurs and international sporting captains. It finds itself in a beautiful city, is small enough in size to retain a crucial sense of community, and provides its students with a fantastic education. Yet despite all this, if you tell somebody you go to Durham, you may well be met with a snort of derision and a cry of "Oxbridge reject!". Those who actually study at Durham know that the stereotypes are wrong - it's actually a far more diverse town than it is given credit for. Not every boy wears red chinos, and not every girl has spent a summer helping out in Tanzanah. The university's various colleges attract students of all backgrounds, ages and races, ensuring that Durham remains a town of fascinating variation. There's a reason for such well-accepted stereotypes, admittedly, but taking a stroll around the city during term time is guaranteed to change your perceptions. As long as you stay away from Castle. And Hatfield. And most of the rest of the Bailey. Here are 14 examples of people Durham students are guaranteed to have encountered at one time or another, starting with...