15 Horrible Life Lessons All Freshers Should Know By Now

Lessons aren't just for the classroom...

By Regina Falange /

The city you have just moved to have braced themselves for the arrival of your 'Freshers Week', 'Freshmans Week', 'Orientation Week'... no matter what name is given to introduce students to their first year, it will always be carnage. This is the week where every Fresher/Freshman/First Year will spend an endless amount of their time trapped having the same conversation over and over again; 'my name is _____, I'm on the ______ course, I have moved from __________'. Everyone around you wants to get to know you and size you up as a new potential drinking buddy they can party with every night. Isn't their some educational reason you came here as well? You have moved to a new city, got a new home and you are about to begin a whole new life. Drinking games will be lost. Dance competitions will be won. Clothes will be lost and found. New friendships for life will be formed. It's going to be a non-stop party and in-between the early evening starts down the local student-friendly bars and the wild nights that see you dragging yourself into bet in the early hours of the morning; you will have to try your best to squeeze some time in to actually get any studying done. Sure all your family back home are concerned about you wearing yourself out but the foreseeable future there's no signs of you slowing down. These are the best years of your life and there will be some very important lessons learnt along the way...

15. Unpacking Takes A Month

Soon as you get into your new accommodation you're ready to get everything set-up and organised in your new study space. Then you heard everyone was going to this new, cool student bar in town and thought you would tag along. The next day was a hangover day. The day after that there was an all-day BBQ. Look, you will get round to unpacking just you haven't found the time yet...