15 Fashion Mistakes Men Make (That Put All Women Off)

"Oh he is beautiful. Nice hair, great body... oh... crocs."

By Sara Weir /

Fashion changes on what seems like a daily basis and things that you wore ten years ago eventually creep back around and takes over a new generation. Although you always think that you look cool at the time, who hasn't cringed at an old photograph of themselves where they've had a ridiculous haircut or a top that their former self thought was a good idea? Yeah, no one. Now, whilst women are just as much of a victim of fashion as men, at least girls are sometimes a bit more clued up about it. It's not that women make more of an effort to look good, but would you really see a young girl wearing socks with crocs? It's very rare that men enjoy shopping and buy items that match their body types, most guys just don't care. They're usually happy with the first pair of jeans that they see or the shirt that has been bought for them by a partner or their mother. So come on guys, think about what you're doing because if you're single, you're really not doing yourself any favours. Wearing dungarees with a checkered shirt underneath when it's not a fancy dress party and you're not a farmer is never going to be a good look. The ladies definitely aren't going to see you wearing that and think "yes, I want his babies." So whilst everyone is prone to some excusable fashion mistakes, here are some that men keep on repeating that are such a turn off to women...