15 Fashion Mistakes Men Make (That Put All Women Off)

15. Dressing All In White

You are not in a boyband. Even if you're on holiday and white linen in the only thing that you feel comfortable in, just wear something else. White trousers in general are a bit of a no no because unlike the ladies, not many men will wear thongs in order to hide that panty line, so everyone will always get to see what underwear you're wearing underneath, which defies the whole purpose of wearing trousers. People might also think that they're dead and that you're an angel, so just avoid this look. No woman has ever looked at a man dressed in all white and thought about ripping off his clothes in a sexual way. She'll just want to rip them off to get rid of them.
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Andy Samberg
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com