15 Problems Only London Commuters Will Understand

I'll partly suspend you in a minute!

By Jonathan Milward /

There's no avoiding it. London draws you in. It has a rich history, a thriving nightlife and is a wealth of culture. It has 13 million inhabitants, attracts over 600,000 commuters to the City each day with even more traveling to work in the Greater London area. Whether you simply love the city, it's all you've ever known, or you're enticed in by more available jobs and the higher salaries, the fact is it's a busy, crowded, hectic place. With an average national commute now at a staggering 54 minutes, anyone who has to travel that much has reason to moan. Anyone who travels on a train regularly will know the embarrassment and pain of being slightly too late for the train, the familiar beeping sound mocking you as you get mercilessly battered by the closing doors. Commuting to London, however, comes with its own unique array of obstacles and annoyances that some of you will know all too well. Ever been knocked down by a cockney riding a Boris bike telling you he€™s just tea leafed a clever mike because he got too Scotch mist? No? Oh. Well, the rest of this list is bound to be more familiar.